Za svou nesmírnou negativní popularitu vděčí své nekrofilii. Když byl dopaden, v jeho domě bylo nalezeno:
- Human skulls mounted upon the cornerposts of his bed;
- Human skin fashioned into a lampshade and used to upholster chair seats;
- Human skullcaps, apparently in use as soup bowls;
- A human heart (it is disputed where the heart was found; the deputies' reports all claim that the heart was in a saucepan on the stove, with some crime scene photographers claiming it was in a paper bag);
- The head of Mary Hogan, a local tavern owner, found in a paper bag;
- A window shade pull consisting of human lips;
- A "mammary vest" crafted from the skin of a woman's torso;
- A belt made from several human nipples, among many other such grisly objects;
- Socks made from human flesh.
- A sheath made from human skin.
- A box of preserved vulvas that Ed admitted to wearing.
- An array of shrunken heads.