7. června 2008

Vyhnání Palestinců

Stejný zločin proti lidskosti, jako bylo vyhnání 2 000 000 Němců z Československa v letech 1945–7, bylo na základě Plánu D vyhnání 700 000 Palestinců z Palestiny v roce 1948, النكبة (Nakba, Katastrofa): "At that time, Jews owned only about seven percent of the land in Palestine and constituted about 33 percent of the population. The Palestinians' presence and predominant ownership of the land were obstacles to the creation of a Jewish state. Moshe Sharett, Israel's second prime minister, said "We have forgotten that we have not come to an empty land to inherit it, but we have come to conquer a country from people inhabiting it." … "The [Palestinian] Arab reaction would be negative because they would lose everything and gain almost nothing ...They would lose the richest part of Palestine; they would lose major Arab assets, the orange plantations, the commercial and industrial centers and the most important sources of revenue for their government which would become impoverished; they would lose most of the coastal area, which would also be a loss to the hinterland Arab states...It would mean that they would be driven back to the desert." (from Expulsion of the Palestinians, p. 59)"

IMEU: "Jewish leaders spoke openly of the need to use military clashes to expel as many Palestinians as possible before other Arab countries could come to their defense. The Haganah militia's Plan Dalet was the blueprint for this ethnic cleansing. Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion, said "We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." (See what other leading Israelis have said about transfer.)"

5 komentářů:

  1. To je hezké, rozčilovat se dnes nad tehdejšími israelskými zločiny. Já bych Vám jen chtěl připomenout, že spoluvinu nesou všechny státy, které se vznikem Israele souhlasily a jej podpořily.

  2. To nevím, ale skoro všechny určitě. On teda ten Israel pak má částečně pravdu, když říká: heleďtese, pomohli jste nám ke vzniku tady na tom místě, tak teď nemůžete jen tak dát od nás ruce pryč, poněvadž když nás Arabi zholokaustujou, bude to TAKY vaše zodpovědnost.

  3. No jo, ale žádný stát nedal Israeli placet k vyhnání Palestinců. Naopak to OSN odsoudila již v roce 1948.


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