19. srpna 2010

Aysar Yasser Fawaz al-Zeben

Zatím posledním nezletilcem usmrceným v israelsko-palestinském konfliktu byl 16letý Aysar Yasser Fawaz al-Zeben, který měl 13. května 2010 tu drzost, že na okupovaném území házel kameny na okupační osadnické auto. Osadník (okupant) ho za to zastřelil. Obávám se, že zdaleka není posledním.
In the West Bank, on Thursday evening, 13 May 2010, a Palestinian child was killed by an Israeli settler near Ramallah. According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 17:30 on Thursday, 13 May 2010, 4 Palestinian children, including 16-year-old Aysar Yasser Fawaz al-Zeben from al-Mazr'a al-Sharqiya village, went to al-Bayada area, approximately 50 meters from the Ramallah – Nablus road. At approximately 19:30, the four children threw stones at an Israeli car. The car immediately stopped. An Israeli settler exited the car and fired 14 to17 bullets at the children. The children fled into different directions. At approximately 21:00, 3 of the children met in the village. They called al-Zaben on his mobile phone, but he did not answer their call. They immediately began to look for him. At approximately 21:30, a number of residents of the village went to search for him, and at approximately 22:00, they found his body. They transferred the body to Ramallah Hospital. According to medical sources, the child was hit by a bullet to the back.
Posledním mrtvým nezletilým Israelcem je 13letý (16letý?) Shlomo Nativ, který byl před více než rokem (2. dubna 2009) zavražděn na okupovaném území.

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