30. prosince 2007

Podivný rozsudek

Ve věci Allen A. Muth v. Matthew J. Frank (412 F. 3d 808; 7th Cir. 2005; PDF) federální odvolací soud rozhodl, že zákaz incestu má závaznost i dnes. Proti tomu nic. Podivný však byl skutkový stav. Allen Muth a jeho o 15 let mladší sestra Patricia Muth byli manželé! Tříčlenný senát však tuto skutečnost odbyl dvěma větami: "Allen Muth and his younger sister Patricia married and had three children." + "Although they were separated for some length of time, at about the time Patricia reached the age of majority she and Allen became reunited and got married." Podle mého názoru měl soud toto selhání státu vzít mnohem více v potaz.

Jacobyho názor plně podepisuji, stejně jako kritiku professora Francka: "court’s reasoning was extremely bad" + "And the author in Muth was Judge Daniel Manion, a Reagan appointee. It is understandable that Judge Manion, like the rest of us, recoiled from the absurdity that the Constitution protects incest. But his effort to avert the consequences of Lawrence’s radicalism is unsustainable, for a fair reading of that case makes it hard to avoid the conclusion that the Supreme Court's version of the Constitution does indeed protect incest (just as Justice Scalia claimed in his Lawrence dissent) . . . Allen and Patricia Muth, brother and sister, were “married” (the court does not say how or by whom) and had three children."


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