22. prosince 2007

Zavržení wikipedisté

Je jich mnoho a jsem jedním z nich. Vývoj máme podobný, pokud byl náš pád z příliš velké výšky. Jak píše Kelly Martin: "Yes, I do have sockpuppets. Technically I do have about two dozen, but most of them are accounts with no or only one edit, and as I've misplaced the file that lists what their names are I can't even use them anymore."

Taky jsem jich měl mnoho. Většina z nich byla natolik jednoúčelových, že jsem si nepamatoval ani heslo, natož abych vytvářel nějaký seznam po vzoru Egga.

Pak ale přišel Okino a nabídl lidskou dohodu. Od té doby cs: needituji, ačkoliv mi to p. Vrba radil a ačkoliv bych snadno mohl, a všechny tamní překlepy a chyby mne nechávají dokonale klidným.

"The main takeaway from that conversation was to confirm that Wikipedia is basically dead to me, in any role beyond that of casual editor." So is to me. Také na en: či fr: nemám žádné ambice.

Přesná analysa: "The problem I have with contributing to Wikipedia, as it stands today, is that the site is so not committed to quality that I feel I'm wasting my time improving articles that will just regress within a short time anyway. There's no coordinated commitment to quality, mainly because the community is more interested in playing silly power politics than it is in writing an encyclopedia, and even when there is agreement that something needs to be done, the "bikeshed problem" ensures that nothing is actually ever done." . . . "Wikipedia offers even less reward to copyeditors than it does to article authors, which is why the cleanup list is so incredibly long".

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