30. prosince 2009

Rusko za kommunismu

Ačkoliv na LW mnozí neustále pochybují o ruském nacionalismu za kommunismu, nejlépe mluví fakta. Připomeňme si osudy Jakovleva, ideologa perestrojky: "Most accounts of Yakovlev's exile to Canada say it was triggered by an article he wrote in 1972 for the weekly Literaturnaya Gazeta, warning of the danger of Russian nationalism. The article offended some prominent Russian writers, and to this day nationalists regard Yakovlev as their most powerful enemy."

A jeho vlastní vzpomínky: "I actually proposed Gorbachev to fill that post. He was, at that time, the First Secretary of the Stavropol Region Party Committee. Even Mikhail Andrievich Suslov, who was in charge of propaganda and was really de facto the Number 1 man on the Politburo (de jure, he was Number 2), he actually did issue an invitation to Gorbachev to come to Moscow and help the department. What struck me at that time is that he turned it down. He had enough brain to say no.

Later on I arranged for him to come and visit Canada several times. I wanted very much for the man who was responsible for agriculture in Russia to visit Canada. Actually he had conveyed through a mutual friend of ours that he was ready to come to Canada as long as I would be the one to organize his trip. He didn't want to have anything to do with the organization of the trip. So I began terrorizing the Central Committee with my diplomatic cables demanding Gorbachev's visit. And Andropov ultimately said OK. It was a very useful visit for Gorbachev. What struck me is the kind of detailed interest and care Gorbachev took in the farmer economy, and that really struck me very positively and very much.

At first we kind of sniffed around each other and our conversations didn't touch on serious issues. And then, verily, history plays tricks on one, we had a lot of time together as guests of the Minister of Agriculture in Canada who, himself, was too late for the reception because he was stuck with some striking farmers somewhere. So we took a long walk on that Minister's farm and, as it often happens, both of us suddenly were just kind of flooded and let go. I somehow, for some reason, threw caution to the wind and started telling him about what I considered to be utter stupidities in the area of foreign affairs, especially about those SS-20 missiles that were being stationed in Europe and a lot of other things. And he did the same thing. We were completely frank. He frankly talked about the problems in the internal situation in Russia. He was saying that under these conditions, the conditions of dictatorship and absence of freedom, the country would simply perish. So it was at that time, during our three-hour conversation, almost as if our heads were knocked together, that we poured it all out and during that three-hour conversation we actually came to agreement on all our main points. He left, and literally two weeks later I received an invitation from the Academy of Sciences to take the post of the head of the Academy of Sciences Institute of International Relations and the World Economy. I had a good-bye dinner and I went back to Russia." (zdůrazněno mnou)

6 komentářů:

  1. Slovní usus nikdy nebyl, není a bohdá nebude důkazem ničeho.

    Mimochodem, ani Gorbačev, ani Jakovlev nejsou příkladem lidí, kteří to myslí s Ruskem dobře.

  2. OK, officiální název (RSFSR) neznamená nic, usus neznamená nic, jen Vodník ví nejlíp, jak to má být. Ultrarealism v praxi.

  3. Samozřejmě, že neznamená. Nebo chcete tvrdit, že "Bataafse republiek" byla vskutku batávská?

  4. Jednotlivým citátem se dá prokázat kdykoli cokoli. Proboha, ještě jednou, to opravdu máte papír na historické vzdělání? Nevím, co se komu nelíbí na plzeňské právnické fakultě.

  5. Proč by Nizozemí nemohlo být Batavskou republikou? Batavia je Nizozemí latinsky, je to název nizozemského ostrova a na tomto území sídlili Batavové. Je ten samý princip co Bohemia.

  6. Jene, musíte sledovat debatu průběžně. Už jsem mnohokrát dokázal, že kommunism byl krycí název pro ruskou ideologii. Toto je jen střípek z celé mosaiky. BTW, trolling není argument, tím Vaší věci neprospějete ani o píď.


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