24. července 2006

Israelská lítost

Jak nás opět upozornil p. Juchelka, Israel vyjádřil lítost nad militarisací dětí: "there was "no way" to spin the incident in a positive light. "Some people are simply irresponsible," said the official." Bez kommentáře.

Další "přesvědčivé" vysvětlení si můžete přečíst jinde: "
Shelly emphasized several times that none of the parents or children had expressed any hatred toward the Lebanese people. No-one expressed any satisfaction at knowing that Lebanese were dying - just as Israelis are dying. Their messages were directed at Nasrallah. None of those people was detached or wise enough to think: "Hang on, tank shell equals death of human beings." They were thinking, tank shell equals stopping the missiles that land on my house. Tank shells will stop that man with the turban from threatening to kill us." Zabili jste mi strejčka, tady máte přes držku.

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