22. března 2008

Zdeněk P. Bažant

Je slavný odborník na mechaniku pevných látek, který emigroval po ruské okupaci Československa v roce 1968. V roce 2007 společně s Mathieu Verdure publikoval článek (PDF), který vyvrátil spikleneckou demoliční theorii o 9/11, která je tolik populární na ultralevicových Britských listech: "Some critics have been under the mistaken impression that collapse cannot occur if because of safety factors used in design the weight mg of the upper part is less than the load capacity F0 of the floor. This led them to postulate various strange ideas such as “fracture wave” and planted explosives. However, the criterion in Eq. 5 makes it clear that this impression is erroneous. If Eq. 5 is violated, there is regardless of F0 no way to deny the inevitability of progressive collapse driven only by gravity."

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