28. října 2007

Další kritika wikipedie

V článku citují Michaela Whitea: “Wikipedia has become the McDonalds/Microsoft/Walmart of information. It provides reliably mediocre information at a low, low cost. This drives competitors out of business, reduces diversity, and lowers the standards all across the board.”

Autorem článku je Lir, který poznamenává: "inept and lazy journalists are especially fond of using the Wikipedia, and some of them have even plagiarized it word-for-word – thats a real problem, since 90%+ of Wikipedia’s fact-checking involves an internet search; thus, self-perpetuating errors are undoubtedly already occurring!"

Jeho názor: "cranks, vandals, and fanatics undo your hard-work, and then muddle your way through a judicial system which is far more concerned with cliquish politics, than with basic standards of judicial procedure," mohu potvrdit z osobní zkušenosti.

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