Domnívám se, že současná morální panika z klimanických změn vystřídala obavy z terrorismu, které vládly první polovině prvních let 21. století.
Bude Česká televise vysílat dokument Velký švindl o globálním oteplování? Jak informoval Luboš Motl: "Stewart Dimmock, a truck driver from the New Party, has sued the British education system because it wanted to indoctrinate children with Al Gore's propaganda movie." Jděte proto ad fontes a přečtete si rozsudek ve věci Dimmock v Secretary of State for Education & Skills [2007] EWHC 2288 (Admin) (10 October 2007). OregonGuy o tom napsal:
"Today is Stewart Dimmock Day. Today a man stood up against government stupidity and won.
Whether you believe the climate is changing or not, Stewart Dimmock looked at the AlGore treacle produced as "An Inconvenient Truth" and understood it for what it was. Propaganda.
He took his assertions to court. He won.
We won."
Thanks for the link.
OdpovědětVymazatMerry Christmas to you and to yours.
You are welcome. Bless you all.