2. června 2006

Kritika wikipedie

motto: "Wikipedia, the almost free encyclopedia that almost anyone can edit."

Jak známo, původní wikipedie je nebezpečný totalitární projekt. Co o tom píší jinde?
  1. The amorality of Web 2.0: "In theory, Wikipedia is a beautiful thing - it has to be a beautiful thing if the Web is leading us to a higher consciousness. In reality, though, Wikipedia isn't very good at all." V článku se dále rozebírá nekvalita wikipedických hesel.
  2. Lies, Damned Lies, and the Internet. Průzkum, jak wikipedie totálně selhala. "Yes, crowds can be wise. Crowds can also burn witches, cause financial panics, and elect George W. Bush president."
  3. Wikis Are a Waste of Time: "wikis are just another form of groupware. That's all . . . The real problem with wikis is the same one that groupware has: it's a wonderful idea that most people never use . . . What finally ends up happening, in all the cases I've personally seen, is that the collaboration tools end up gathering dust."
  4. The death of Wikipedia: "In addition to banning some contributors from the site, the administrators adopted an "official policy" of what they called, in good Orwellian fashion, "semi-protection" to prevent "vandals" (also known as people) from messing with their open encyclopedia . . . The end came last Friday. That's when Wikipedia's founder, Jimmy Wales, proposed "that we eliminate the requirement that semi-protected articles have to announce themselves as such to the general public." The "general public," you see, is now an entity separate and distinct from those who actually control the creation of Wikipedia . . . Where once we had a commune, we now have a gated community, "policed" by "good editors.""
  5. kvalitní analysa wikipedických mýthů – Now, let's bury the myth: "In Wikipedia's early days, the encyclopedia asked contributors to maintain a "neutral point of view," but, as the official history of Wikipedia notes, "There were otherwise few rules initially." Since then, rules have proliferated, as the encyclopedia has adopted a de facto bureaucratic structure." Dodávám, že velice nekvalitní, a to i na postkommunistické poměry. "Stewart Brand, in describing a speech by Jimmy Wales on April 14, 2006, praised Wikipedia's "total openness to participants, especially new ones," saying that "problems are dealt with completely post facto." Note the rhetoric here, which is telling: "completely open-ended," "literally true," "total openness," "completely post facto." And note, too, that none of it is accurate."
  6. Alive and unbowed. Nepřesvědčivá obhajoba wiki: "Wikipedians have found that they have to defend themselves, but that doesn’t mean they’ve closed the gates".

2 komentáře:

  1. S tímto příkrým názorem nesouhlasím. Nechci se příliš rozepisovat, jen podotýkám, že je-li problém v uživatelích (deficit tolerance a demokratické kultury, právní bezvědomí...), nemůže ho řešit technika. Blokování a CheckUser byly vytvořeny jako ochrana proti vandalství, a není vinou vývojářů, že ho netolerantní česká wiki používá proti svobodě projevu a jako nástroj špiclování.

  2. Naprosto presne. Pro uplne blbe jeste jednou zopakuji Pecinovu definicu jadra problemu: "Blokování a CheckUser byly vytvořeny jako ochrana proti vandalství, a není vinou vývojářů, že ho netolerantní česká wiki používá proti svobodě projevu a jako nástroj špiclování."


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